
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Blog Tour: An Engagement of Sorts by Alene Wecker


Book Description:

Much to her mother’s dismay, spirited Anne Fletcher spent her youth seeking her father’s approval by hunting and riding. More comfortable in breeches than ball gowns, Anne sees the freedoms she once enjoyed slowly taken from her in the name of fashioning her into an eligible young lady. When her parents try to force her into marriage, Anne makes a desperate attempt to salvage her last vestige of independence. If she is to marry, she will do so on her own terms. 

Anne strikes a deal: if she cannot secure a man for herself, she will agree to marry the husband her parents approved. She soon finds herself in the last place she would ever choose—that stifling parade of etiquette, the London Season. Anne’s plan is in motion. Now all she needs is a man willing to masquerade as her fiancé.

Rorie's Review:

I'm always amused reading stories about women who don't quite fit in with polite society. Anne is constantly bumbling about, (usually) unintentionally saying or doing the wrong thing, even though she tries so hard to be proper. Her first meeting with Thomas made me laugh, probably because we've all been there - maybe not in such a grand way - but we've all mistaken someone for the wrong person before, right? Surely, I'm not the only one. :)

There is an attempted sexual assault near the beginning of the book that does negatively affect Anne throughout the story, but it is not graphic, and actually happens so quickly that I didn't really even think much about it until later on. But just in case reading about that sort of thing affects you, be aware that it's in there. 

Overall, this was an enjoyable story to read. At times lighthearted and funny, at others, kind of dark and heavy. I enjoyed the characters, even the ones I kinda really hated. 

Andrea's Review:

I love the cover of this book. It’s definitely one that would catch my attention at a bookstore or library. The author did a nice job with her debut novel. My attention was held more during the first half than the second half. I’m not sure if that was the story or my mood. I really like this genre but I didn’t find myself particularly caring for the characters. I did feel bad for Anne several times, but the mean mother and mostly aloof father, perfect sister, and being pushed to marry while having no interest in following the societal expectations didn’t grab me as much as those things do in other stories. The fake relationship did keep things interesting though. I did like the ending and would read another book by the author.


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Title: An Engagement of Sorts

Author: Alene Wecker
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Published: August 2021
ISBN: 1524417645
Source: I received an e-copy from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.

Purchase: Amazon Deseret Book

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