
Friday, July 5, 2024

Book Review: Fun Fact: I Love You by Gina Larsen

Book Description:

In this friends-to-lovers romance, high school senior Nellie has her future all planned out—except for a disastrous first kiss, a hurtful prank, and the unexpected twist of falling in love with her childhood friend.

Fun fact: Nellie Samsin has ten days left of high school, and she’s never been kissed—which is fine with her. She’s been more focused on editing the yearbook and being named valedictorian than worrying about a boyfriend. But when she has a chance to kiss her longtime crush, she hopes it will be a magical experience. Until she learns it was all a lie, a hurtful prank orchestrated by her so-called best friend, leaving Nellie heartbroken and angry with everyone involved.

Jensen Nichols has spent his senior year keeping three massive secrets: first, he’s been writing a best-selling romance fantasy series under the pseudonym “Jen Dimes”; second, he’s been harboring a secret crush on Nellie, to the point where he’s based his fictional romantic heroine on her; and third, Nellie’s dad has been his writing mentor and coach. Jensen has promised himself that he’ll reveal his secrets—but only when the time is right. Then he sees Nellie kissing his best friend, and his unexpected rush of jealousy means that the time for keeping secrets is running out.

When a family tragedy rocks Nellie’s world, the future she meticulously planned for is threatened. And when she learns the people she thought were her friends have lied to her, she feels lost and betrayed. At least she has Jensen, who is the one person she knows for a fact she can trust. But the more time the two of them spend together, the more Nellie suspects Jensen is hiding something from her. (Fun fact: Keeping secrets is the worst.)

It seems Nellie and Jensen are perfect for each other, but they will need to separate fact from fiction in order to see if their unplanned romance can last beyond graduation day.
What did I do yesterday, you ask? I read this book. Pretty much the entire thing, except for the few chapters that I read the night before. I only took breaks when I had to go take or pick up children from one activity or the other. Some books, I really enjoy, but I'm just fine taking several days or even a week to read. This one, I found that I just didn't want to put it down, and since I didn't have any pressing things going on (other than housework, but no worries, that's certainly not going anywhere!) I had no issue with parking myself on my couch all day until I had finished the book.
It has been many, many years since I was in high school, and I think I'm at the age now where sometimes, reading about characters in high school is kind of annoying. I think I'm well on my way to becoming that curmudgeonly old person that yells at kids to stay off their lawn. If I ever get a lawn, that is. At any rate, I was a bit hesitant to start this book, simply because of the high school thing. I needn't have worried. The characters were well-thought out, and perfect for this story. There was a lot of teenage angst in this, but instead of becoming annoying, it was perfect for the story. 
This is an easy, quick read, but it still deals with some pretty serious, heartbreaking issues.
Title: Fun Fact: I Love You
Author: Gina Larsen
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
Published: July 2024
ISBN: 1639932453
Source: I received a review copy from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.
Purchase: Amazon Deseret Book

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Book Review: A Kingdom to Claim by Sian Ann Bessey

Book Description:

Aisley lost everything in a Viking attack. Now, working alongside the one man she trusts, she is ready to fight for her people—and for love.

Wessex, AD 878

Aisley’s young life was changed forever when her father accompanied King Alfred into battle and lost his life in a deadly skirmish with the Vikings. Now, almost seven years later, the Vikings are once again rallying on Wessex’s borders, and Aisley fears that her older brother may have treacherous plans to betray the king by aligning himself with the invading Norsemen. But when Aisley encounters a handsome nobleman in the market, she feels the first stirrings of hope. Though they met only once when Aisley was little more than a child, she recognizes him immediately as one of King Alfred’s most trusted men.

It has been years since Brecc has seen Aisley, but when he spots her in the marketplace, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to the copper-haired young lady with a gift for healing. Before his fledgling feelings for her can develop into something more, however, a Viking attack tears them apart. King Alfred is forced into hiding, and in a matter of days, the Saxon nation is brought to its knees. Unwilling to forsake their people, the king and his men embark on secret raids of Viking encampments. But when Aisley joins the fight, Brecc must reconcile his steadfast loyalty to King Alfred with his growing love for the king’s newest warrior.
I loved this story! This author always does a great job of taking me to a time and place that I'm not familiar with at all, and bringing it to life for me. Back when I homeschooled my twins, we had a history game that we would play, and one of the people in the game was King Alfred the Great, so I was familiar with him, but other than remembering his name, I didn't remember what made him so great. Thanks to this story, now I know at least part of the reason. (Side note: I always love when authors of historical fiction add an author's note at the end with more historical background.)
Aisley and Brecc were great, strong characters, especially given all of the trials that they had to go through. I also would not be sad if Rheged got his own story sometime down the line...
This book is definitely a keeper. 
Title: A Kingdom To Claim
Author: Sian Ann Bessey
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
Published: July 2024
ISBN: 163993247X
Source: I received a review copy from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.
Purchase: Amazon Deseret Book 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Book Review: To Love the Brooding Baron by Jentry Flint

Book Description:

Opposites attract and sparks fly when the vivacious Arabella falls for a baron who lives under the shadow of a scandalous family secret.

1815, London

Arabella Latham is a free spirit who longs to feel the spark of true love, but few men can match her passion for Shakespeare or her zest for life. Though her prospects seem slim, Arabella knows she can always count on the handsome but stoic Lord Henry Northcott, dubbed "The Brooding Baron" by the ton, to be willing to engage in intelligent conversation and even share a congenial dance with her at almost every ball. His quiet demeanor is the opposite of her vivacious personality, and she finds herself drawn to him, despite their differences.

Lord Northcott has quietly admired Arabella for years, grateful that his friendship with her brother has allowed him to share in her company and even begin to secretly imagine a life together with her. But he knows he cannot pursue a romantic relationship with any woman--let alone someone as bright and beautiful as Arabella--because of the shadow that an old family scandal has cast over his life. He has vowed to preserve what is left of his family's reputation by holding himself above reproach apart from society and focusing the majority of his efforts at Parliament.

But Arabella is determined to show Lord Northcott that life is meant to be enjoyed, and she sets out to see what is behind the walls the Brooding Baron has built around himself. Could the spark of true love be enough to drive away the shadows holding Henry back?


I had a hard time putting this book down,  and finished it in just a few days. Even though it did have some Shakespeare in it, it was done in such a way that didn't bog the story down - in fact, and I'm amazed that I'm saying this, based on my opinion of the Bard, it even enhanced the story line. I've been reading a lot of nonfiction, war-based books lately, and sometimes it's just nice to lose myself in a story that doesn't hurt my heart.

I enjoyed watching the growth of both Arabella and Lord Northcott, especially when it came to Northcott's issues. It's always nice to have people you can trust in your corner, and Northcott not only had Arabella, but he had Mr. Bradbury as well. Can he get his own story next? He was hilarious, and most definitely needs his own story.

Definitely a story I recommend.  

Title: To Love the Brooding Baron
Author: Jentry Flint
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
Published: June 2024
ISBN: 1639932399
Source: I received a review copy from the author. All opinions expressed are my own.
Purchase: Amazon Deseret Book 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Book Review: Beneath a Crescent Shadow by A.L. Sowards


Book Description:

After an arranged marriage, Konstantin and Suzana must find a way to meet the demands of a conquering Ottoman sultan amid a torrent of setbacks and dangers much closer to their Balkan home.

The Balkans, 1373

A devastating battle claimed the lives of Konstantin's father, uncle, and most of their Serb army, leaving him to rule as a vassal of the Ottoman sultan, a role he is wholly unprepared for. Between war, famine, and a persistent band of brigands, Konstantin is nearly bankrupt. He will need to find a wealthy bride to marry if he is to have any hope of saving his lands and securing his future.

A betrothal to Suzana, the daughter of a prosperous merchant, is soon arranged, and upon meeting her, Konstantin immediately feels hope that their marriage could someday grow into love. Yet, from the moment of Konstantin and Suzana's betrothal, enemies threaten their lives, outlaws prey on their lands, and the terrors of Suzana's abusive past haunt their fragile new relationship. As this onslaught of threats closes in, the two face challenges that will test their love, their faith, and their hope to save their people and win their freedom from the heavy weight of Ottoman oppression.


What a great story! I have loved all of the author's previous books, and this one was no different. I wasn't at all familiar with this time period or the history between the Serbs and the Ottoman Empire - other than that I've heard of the Ottoman Empire, of course.

Anyway, I always love reading historical fiction, because history is fascinating, but it can be a bit dry at times (side note: I hated history class in high school, because it was so boring. I'm betting if this author taught my history class, I would not have felt that way.) Not only was the history fascinating, but the characters were well fleshed-out, and I felt like I knew each and every one of them. In some novels where there are several different characters, I sometimes find it hard to keep track of who is who, but that wasn't a problem in this book.

I'm looking forward to reading the next book in this series. This one was definitely a page-turner!

Title: Beneath a Crescent Shadow
Author: A.L. Sowards
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
Published: June 2024
ISBN: 1639932461
Source: I received a review copy from the author. All opinions expressed are my own.
Purchase: Amazon Deseret Book 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Book Review: An Ocean of Courgae and Fear by Jerry Borrowman

Book Description:

Based on survivor accounts, this gripping novel opens days after the attack on Pearl Harbor and details three years of sea battles that spanned between Hawaii and the shores of Okinawa with the crew of one of the most decorated ships of the Pacific War.

Onboard the heavy cruiser USS Salt Lake City, Lieutenant Commander Justin Collier was 230 miles west of Pearl Harbor accompanying the USS Enterprise on a secret mission when Japan attacked the United States. Upon his return to Honolulu, the gravity of the war begins to change him, as does every subsequent mission, including a rare beach landing with an Army infantry division. He fears his wounds of war, both physical and mental, will be incurable.

Meanwhile, on the day of the attack on Pearl Harbor, hundreds of wounded men lay scattered in cots and stretchers in and around the naval hospital, and volunteer nurse Heidi Collier feels overwhelmed by the number of casualties. She had watched the bombing by Japanese planes as she huddled with her two children in front of their home, hoping that her husband aboard the USS Salt Lake City was safe wherever he was. In her prayers, she feels he is still alive.

Lieutenant Riley Bracken feels the sudden g-force of his catapult-launched observation floatplane with each harrowing mission. Alerting the USS Salt Lake City of enemy ships gives him purpose, which is why no one can know about his recent bouts of vertigo. He can't risk losing what he loves most.

Fifteen-year-old Al Jowdy lied about his age in order to join the Navy. Whatever he believed Navy life would be was shot out of the water—twice—when his ships were torpedoed. Now aboard the Salt Lake City, he fears his luck may have run out.

An Ocean of Courage and Fear reveals the harrowing, never-before-told events that surrounded the crew of the USS Salt Lake City as they endure all the major action in the Pacific War.


This is a fictional book, based on true events. I typically enjoy stories like this, so I jumped at the chance to read this book. While I did enjoy the story, in several places, the author has whatever character is speaking give basically a textbook explanation for something instead of a normal conversation. If I were reading a non-fiction book, that would fit in perfectly, but it would take me out of the story each time he did it. The information was interesting, but I think it could have been presented in more of a story-telling way to make it flow with the novel better.
Other than that, I enjoyed the story, and enjoyed learning about what the USS Salt Lake City took part in during the war. 

Title: An Ocean of Courage and Fear
Author: Jerry Borrowman
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
Published: May 2024
ISBN: 1639932364
Source: I received a review copy from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.

Purchase: Amazon Deseret Book

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Book Review: Highcliffe House by Megan Walker

Book Description:

1813, Brighton, England

When Anna Lane offered her heart to Alexander Lennox, she did not expect to learn he had secretly promised his suit to another. Hurt and embarrassed, Anna begs her father to take her to the seaside where she can escape the gossip of the ton and recover, but her father insists they remain in London so he can attend to some business. Feeling the sting of rejection again, Anna longs for the day when she can dictate her own future and find a companion who will love her for who she is.

Born into modest circumstances, Graham's hard work and ability to spot a good investment has allowed him to provide for his mother and younger sisters. Now, with a new opportunity in his sights, Graham approaches Mr. Lane, his business partner and mentor, hoping to persuade him to travel to Brighton to close the deal. Graham must act fast or else he might lose his chance to turn his meager earnings into permanent financial stability.

To Graham's relief, Mr. Lane is interested in his proposal, but he counters with one of his own. He has business elsewhere, so Anna--whom he trusts with his business affairs--will accompany Graham to Brighton, and if she gives a good report, he will invest. Both Anna and Graham hesitate. Though they have a passing acquaintance through Anna's father, the two have never truly got along. Anna feels that Graham is only interested in money, while Graham feels that Anna is stubborn and self-absorbed.

The two reluctantly travel to Brighton together, and Anna is determined to find fault with every inch of the seaside town--including Graham. She is tired of feeling like a pawn being moved about by other people's desires. But while staying at Highcliffe House and seeing the kind and gentle way Graham treats his family, Anna wonders if there is more to her rival than she thought.

But it will take more than a day at the beach for these two headstrong hearts to admit that if they set aside their misconceptions about each other and be vulnerable enough to share their true selves, they might have a chance at real love.

Rorie's Review:

This is an enjoyable, fast read, with one of my favorite tropes - enemies to lovers. I felt for both Anna and Graham as they were both very much misunderstood by the other, causing most of the negative feelings they held towards one another. As is typical in these types of books, there was miscommunication, but it wasn't so blatant and easily avoided that it drove me nuts, which I really appreciated.

The story flowed well, and the author did a great job bringing each of the characters to life. Tabs was an absolute hoot. I highly recommend this book.

Title: Highcliffe House
Author: Megan Walker
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
Published: May 2024
ISBN: 1639932445
Source: I received a review copy from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.
Purchase: Amazon Deseret Book 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Book Review: Millie by McCall Hoyle

Book Description:

Millie is a feisty border terrier who lives on the streets and has a keen sense for finding scraps of food, usually in the shadows or the cover of darkness. She protects herself with a shield of what is perceived by many as aggression—barking and snarling—when in reality, Millie is just plain scared.

Turned over to animal control after a recent run-in with the dogcatcher, Millie is rescued by a special education teacher who also rehabilitates and rehomes dogs. It’s a win-win. Together, the dogs and her students learn emotional resilience, anger management, and other coping skills.

When one of the students, a struggling reader named Tori, shows a natural gift for dog training and working with fearful dogs, Millie is temporarily placed in her care. Tori may be young, but she knows a thing or two about anger, fear, and abandonment after her mother could no longer care for her and she was placed in kinship care with her grandfather. Millie wonders if she’s finally found her person and begins to let down her emotional guard. But when trust and belonging are challenged, Millie reverts to old habits—fleeing, hiding, and growling. Will she end up back on the streets? Or can Millie and Tori embrace their training, trust in each other, and find a forever home together?

Mille is an empathy-building novel for young readers who love dogs and is a tender portrayal of the importance of emotional safety and what it means to truly belong.


This is a very cute story told from a street dog's point of view. I used to not be a dog person (that's putting it mildly), but a couple of years ago I caved and got a dog for my teens who were struggling. When you take care of something it is very hard to not love it, especially when it loves you so much. Anyway, I can really see this story appealing to those who have or want a dog, but honestly it's just so well-written that anyone could enjoy it. It has a great message about facing fears and not running away from things that scare us (obviously there are times and places for that, but until we give some things a try we are pushing away people and situations that may be good for us). I liked how the human characters weren't perfect either-they had plenty of struggles and learned and grew throughout the story, along with Millie and a few other dogs. A great story for young and old alike.

Title: Millie
Author: McCall Hoyle
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
Published: March 2024
ISBN: 163993233X
Source: I received a review copy from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.
Purchase: Amazon | Deseret Book