
Friday, February 17, 2012

A (HUGE) Reading Challenge

It's no secret that I love reading, and I'm always looking for great books to read. Earlier this week I received an email from LDSWBR (a blog I'm subscribed to) about a reading challenge.

I have heard about books being nominated or winning Whitney Awards, but until the other day I hadn't looked into the details of a Whitney Award. From the WA website:

The Whitneys are an awards program for novels by LDS authors. Elder Orson F. Whitney, an early apostle in the LDS church, prophesied “We will yet have Miltons and Shakespeares of our own.” Since we have that as our goal, we feel that we should also honor those authors who excel and continually raise the bar.

As I mentioned in my review of Olivia, I am always happy to find books written by LDS authors (especially if they're for a national audience). My excitement stems from hoping that I've found a good book that is clean (so many iffy books out there).

Anyway, I decided to take a huge plunge and join this challenge. It is to read all 35 books by April 23, 2012. You also need to become a member of the Whitney Academy (I was accepted!), and then you can vote on the best novel of the year.

This is a huge undertaking. I have already read 8 of the 2011 Finalists, so I think this goal is possible. Although, I am going to try to complete one category at a time (you can vote for the best in any of the 7 categories if you've read all 5 of the books in each category), because it is very possible that life will get in the way of meeting the goal by the deadline. But, I am definitely in for reading all 35 books.

So, there will be a couple of reviews posted on other books that I just finished reading, but then be prepared for Whitney Award Finalist reviews!

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