Hazel Thornton has one great ambition: to help the sick and wounded as a nurse. But that dream can never become a reality. After a devastating childhood trauma, she has spent her life battling fits of panic that make it impossible to finish her studies. Everything changes, however, when a trip to Spain takes a perilous turn that derails her plans to visit her father for Christmas and immediately plunges her into the dangers of a brutal war.
With single-minded
focus, she springs into action to help her fellow travelers. To ensure
their continued care, she begins work at a Spanish hospital alongside
Dr. Jim Jackson, a man whose only emotion seems to be wariness of his
new assistant. Armed with gifts of support from each of her dearest
friends, a group that dubs themselves the Blue Orchid Society, Hazel
embarks on a journey of hope and healing to battle the demons of her
past with the help of the doctor who has captured her heart.
I think this story is my favorite of the series thus far. I am not cut out to work on the medical field at all, but it's fascinating to learn about it, so that may be why this story resonated with me as much as it did. I've also grown up being taught that serving others is a great way to forget about your own problems (or at least minimize them) and Hazel does just that. She is such a strong character, without even realizing how strong she is, and I love that. The relationship between Hazel and, well, everyone made the story what it was. She was able to put aside language, class, whatever kind of barrier existed, and get to know each of the people she interacted with. What a great example for all of us. I'm always glad for the chance to read new books from authors I enjoy, and this one is up there among my favorites.
Title: Healing Hazel
Author: Jennifer Moore
Purchase: Amazon Deseret Book
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