
Friday, October 18, 2019

Blog Tour: Glass Slippers, Ever After, and Me by Julie Wright

 Glass Slippers, Ever After, and Me by Julie Wright

Book Description:

Can the fairy tale bring Charlotte the happiness she’s looking for, or was he always there to begin with?

A modern, reimagined Cinderella story.

When aspiring author Charlotte Kingsley finally gets published, she thinks all her dreams have come true. But the trouble begins when her publicity firm reinvents her quirky online presence into a perfectly curated dream life. Gone are the days of sweatpant posts and ice cream binges with her best friend, Anders, replaced instead with beautiful clothes, orchestrated selfies, and no boyfriend. Only, that carefully curated fairy tale life is ruining her self-esteem and making her feel like a fraud.

When a bestselling author takes Charlotte under her wing—almost like a fairy godmother—she helps Charlotte see the beautiful person she already is and the worth of being authentic. But is it too late to save her relationship with Anders? The clock is quickly ticking towards midnight, and Charlotte must decide between her fairy tale life and the man she loves, before he's gone forever.

Rorie's Review:

This story drew me in immediately. How can it not when it starts out with "My fairy godmother was all talk and no action?" Lettie is quirky, kind of a hot mess, and was so much fun to get to know. I'm always a sucker for best friend romances, so this was right up my alley. It was fun watching her relationship with Anders develop into something more, although it happened a lot quicker than I thought it would. It wasn't insta-romance, by any means, it just happened much earlier in the story than I originally thought it would. 

I must admit, I was kinda horrified to read about all the things her publicist was expecting her to do. Is that normal for authors? I sincerely hope not, because that would be awful. 

This is one of those stories that I stayed up way too late reading, and that's always a sign that I loved it. I highly recommend it.

Tarah's Review:

I'm a sucker for fairy tales, even modern re imagined ones. And while I think the Cinderella Fairy Tale is overdone, I did thoroughly enjoy this take of Glass Slippers, Ever After, and Me. I found the characters to be fun and real (towards the end in regards to Lettie's mother). I liked the different layers of each character, and more than that, I liked that Lettie grew into herself. She discovered that she wasn't the same as she was in the beginning of the book, and she wasn't the person the publicist made her into. I liked that she had to figure out who she really was, and which of those things were a lie.

I did feel like the story went super fast, and then just kinda resolved before I was ready for it too. It felt like build up, build up, build up, and then a really quick resolution. However, this could be because I kept waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop, and it never really did until the end. I thought things were going to get super awkward with her publicist long before it never really did. I'm super sensitive to awkwardness in my books, and I just kept waiting for that, and since it never really happened maybe that's why it seemed a little quick for me. 

It is a cute read though, and I will reread it again, and I'll definitely listen to it on audio book if they come out with that.
Andrea's Review:

I love the Proper Romance line from Shadow Mountain and really enjoyed this modern-day retelling of Cinderella by Julie Wright. It was a fast read and one that I can see myself reading again (I hope an audio version will be available soon). The cover is eye-catching, and the characters are very likable.

I liked the big contrast between Letti's dream and the realization of the dream. The grass is always greener on the other side, and it's good to take a step back every once in awhile to appreciate what we have. There were also some great lessons on judging and the masks we wear. Are we being our authentic selves?

Anders was such a great guy. I felt for him quite a bit during the story, and was happy that at the end of it all he got to be happy too. Glass Slippers, Ever After, and Me
Author: Julie Wright
Publisher: Shadow Mountain 
Published: October 2019
ISBN: 1629726079
Source: Review copies from the publisher. All opinions expressed are our own.
Purchase: Amazon | Deseret Book

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