Love in Disguise by Anneka R. Walker
Book Description:
Until William inherits his father's title and seat in parliament, he must rely on his own devices to change the world. Dressing like a ridiculous dandy serves its purposes, but he is certain his newest disguise will help him find a wife to please his parents and further his own agenda. From among the glittering group of debutantes, William finds only one woman who passes his test. Unfortunately, the perfect choice is the only woman in all of London who despises him.
Tarah's Review:
I was charmed by Walker's book
Love in Disguise. I
found the premise to be good, and the story to be entertaining. It
was a quick read for me. Although I will say that since everything is
slightly predictable it is a little forgettable once you are done
reading it. However, the overwhelming feeling after I read it was
enjoyable. I found it sweet and it definitely kept my interest. I'm
kind of a sucker for stories where the two parties aren't quite fond
of each other at the beginning and then discover that they make a
great match after all. And while William moves quite quickly at the
courtship area, even when he just thinks they are compatible, I found
it refreshing that Marion held out a little longer for the love that
her parents had.
secondary characters are a fun to get to know, and add quite a bit to
the story. Williams dressing as a dandy was a fun aspect of the
story, but I was left wondering what it really had to do with
anything. It's mentioned why he does what he does, but really I'm not
sure that it had any bearing on the story.
would read another book from Walker, and I will enjoy reading this
one again.
I read a lot of clean Regency romance novels--there's just something about the time period that appeals to me. When I was given the opportunity to review Love in Disguise by Anneka R. Walker I couldn't pass it up even though I wasn't familiar with the author.
Walker captured my attention right off and made me feel for Marion with her performance at the musicale. Her shattered confidence was so sad, yet understandable. And, I think most people can relate to holding a grudge against someone for at least a small amount of time.
I wasn't drawn to William initially. I would have appreciated deeper character development for him to more fully understand his facade, but he did grow on me as the story progressed.
On the whole I liked the idea of the story, but would have loved more attention to the latter half. Some of the resolutions came on very quickly and needed more hashing out.
While I don't see myself reading this story again, I would give the author another try.
Rorie's Review:
The premise of this story was good, but the execution was a bit lacking. I was able to finish the book quickly, but the story just wasn't very memorable. I found myself getting so frustrated with Marion and Lord Everton, because all of their misgivings could have been solved if they would have just taken a few minutes to actually talk with each other. I know that would have completely ruined the story if they did that, but it was very frustrating to read.
I'm not sure if this is the author's first book or not, but I do think the story had promise, it just needs some polishing, maybe less angst and more character development. Even though I wasn't a fan of this story, I would read more from this author.
Tour Giveaway:
Title: Love in Disguise
Author: Anneka R. Walker
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Published: June 2019
ISBN: 1524409863
Source: We received copies from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Purchase: Amazon | Deseret Book
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