
Friday, August 31, 2018

Blog Tour: Aligned with Christ by Toni Sorenson

Aligned With Christ
Book Description:

Is there a sure way to know that what you’re doing is what the Savior would have you do? Best-selling author Toni Sorenson’s inspiring series, including Defined by Christ and Refined by Christ, has motivated audiences to assess and strengthen their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Now, the author invites you to be aligned with Christ and learn to turn mind, body, and will to the Savior and to claim the peace that comes from the assurance that you’re truly in tune with heaven. For those struggling to strengthen their relationship with Jesus and for all who are striving to withstand mortality’s feelings of unworthiness and hopelessness, this volume provides a simple, scripturally rich roadmap intended to lead you on a joyous journey of self-examination—to assess your own spiritual alignment, to reroute when necessary, and to come to know the love of the Savior—not just when you reach your desired destination, but along every step of the way.

Book Review:

The very first question on the description of the book got me right away. I'll admit that it's something I think about, and so I was intrigued by what this book would have to say on the subject. Right off she starts with a story, and those were some of my favorite parts of the book. I enjoyed the little snippets of examples brought about through a story of something that happened to her, or to someone else.

I got little gems out of this book like, "If we want anything to happen, we have to participate fully." I learned where the phrase, "Peter out" comes from (I find things like that fascinating). "If it feels wrong, it certainly isn't right. If only we could remember that." "Inner alignment means there's no conflict between what others claim to believe and what you do. It means you are the same person when you're alone as you are when you're surrounded by people. It means you're authentic no matter how hard the world tries to get you to be fake."

My favorite chapters were the ones on attitude (because who doesn't need an attitude adjustment sometimes?) and the one on words. Maybe it's my inner communication geek coming out, but I really loved it. It got me thinking about the words that I use...especially with my own family.

This isn't a quick read. This is a read slowly, ponder, look inward and pray kind of book.

*August 27th:
*August 28th: ,
*August 29th:,
*August 30th:,,
*August 31st:

Aligned With Christ

Title: Aligned with Christ
Author: Toni Sorenson
Publisher: Covenant
Published: August 2018
ISBN: 9781524404895
Source: I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. 

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