
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

DVD Review: Just Let Go

Movie Description:

Henry Ian Cusick, Emmy Nominee, as Chris Williams in the true story "Just Let Go". After surviving a drunk driving accident that killed his pregnant wife and two kids, Chris Williams struggles to 'just let go' and forgive the young man who caused it.

As we begin the New Year, this message of forgiveness is an important reminder, that forgiveness can bring peace to your soul. “It has allowed a terrible tragedy … to be turned into, in many aspects, a tremendous blessing. That has been one of the most fascinating things to experience,” Williams said in a interview with the Deseret News. “To see the lives blessed since the crash, it has been overwhelming how many positive things have come from it.”

Andrea's Review:

The tears started flowing almost immediately as Just Let Go began. It is a heart wrenching story (one that I was familiar with). I cannot imagine the pain that would come from having any loved one killed, not to mention having more than half of your family killed by a drunk driver. Chris' story is really amazing. It made me ask myself what sort of things I hold onto. Certainly nothing even remotely close to Chris' situation, and he was able to let it go. Why do I hold onto an unkind word or action? This is really a great movie to help put the important things in our lives into focus. It also is a reminder of how fragile life is.

This movie was very well done. The acting and cinematography were excellent, and I would highly recommend it (have tissues handy!).

It is rated PG-13. There are a couple of mild swear words, and some blood from the accident scenes.

Rorie's Review:

Don't start watching this movie without a box of tissues nearby. I never ended up sobbing throughout it, but I think had I been watching this movie without my kids coming in and out, that would have been different.

I had seen the previews for this movie, and I think I remember hearing about the story when it initially happened. Throughout most of the movie, Chris seems to be living in a fog - just going through the motions, but not really living, due to the grief caused by losing his family. I can't even imagine that kind of pain, and I also can't imagine being strong enough to forgive the person who destroyed my family.

It amazes me that Chris was able to work through the pain and finally forgive. What an amazing example to all of us. Even though most of us will not have to go through something so tragic, we can choose to let go of so many other things that cause us pain and bitterness.

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