
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Book Club: Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson

This has been a crazy, busy week. One of those weeks where Tuesday feels like Friday. Some of today's busyness is preparation for hosting book club tonight-this is very good busy! Time with friends, some yummy food, and discussion on what is probably the most enjoyable book I've read all year: Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson.

I read (and reviewed) it back in June. I've since read it at least one more time, and purchased the print copy (because when you love a book, owning the physical copy is so much more satisfying than owning a digital copy). I did try listening to the audiobook when I had to spend a lot of time in the car. The reader and I didn't get along, but I still LOVE the book.

So, tonight my friends will come over and we'll enjoy some wassail (we aren't tea drinkers), cucumber sandwiches, and scones (along with some other goodies). We'll talk about this wonderful novel, and relate to each others' experiences of not being able to put the book down.

I can't wait!

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