
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Book Review: A Kingdom to Claim by Sian Ann Bessey

Book Description:

Aisley lost everything in a Viking attack. Now, working alongside the one man she trusts, she is ready to fight for her people—and for love.

Wessex, AD 878

Aisley’s young life was changed forever when her father accompanied King Alfred into battle and lost his life in a deadly skirmish with the Vikings. Now, almost seven years later, the Vikings are once again rallying on Wessex’s borders, and Aisley fears that her older brother may have treacherous plans to betray the king by aligning himself with the invading Norsemen. But when Aisley encounters a handsome nobleman in the market, she feels the first stirrings of hope. Though they met only once when Aisley was little more than a child, she recognizes him immediately as one of King Alfred’s most trusted men.

It has been years since Brecc has seen Aisley, but when he spots her in the marketplace, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to the copper-haired young lady with a gift for healing. Before his fledgling feelings for her can develop into something more, however, a Viking attack tears them apart. King Alfred is forced into hiding, and in a matter of days, the Saxon nation is brought to its knees. Unwilling to forsake their people, the king and his men embark on secret raids of Viking encampments. But when Aisley joins the fight, Brecc must reconcile his steadfast loyalty to King Alfred with his growing love for the king’s newest warrior.
I loved this story! This author always does a great job of taking me to a time and place that I'm not familiar with at all, and bringing it to life for me. Back when I homeschooled my twins, we had a history game that we would play, and one of the people in the game was King Alfred the Great, so I was familiar with him, but other than remembering his name, I didn't remember what made him so great. Thanks to this story, now I know at least part of the reason. (Side note: I always love when authors of historical fiction add an author's note at the end with more historical background.)
Aisley and Brecc were great, strong characters, especially given all of the trials that they had to go through. I also would not be sad if Rheged got his own story sometime down the line...
This book is definitely a keeper. 
Title: A Kingdom To Claim
Author: Sian Ann Bessey
Publisher: Shadow Mountain Publishing
Published: July 2024
ISBN: 163993247X
Source: I received a review copy from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.
Purchase: Amazon Deseret Book 

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